a group of surfers and children standing in front of a large surfboard at a beach holding certificates

FUNDED $100,000

Children living with autism are twice as likely to be excluded from activities compared to their neurotypical peers and with drowning as the leading cause of death for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ocean Heroes provides an opportunity for the autism community to access the surf in a safe, supportive and structured environment. Their events are so in demand they book out in minutes!

Ocean Heroes, being a home-grown WA charity, have had the opportunity to expand to the east coast and help children there living with autism. They are excited to run a season of events in Sydney as well this coming Summer. This will enable another 8 events to be held, allowing up to 1,200 kids with ASD to experience the thrill of the surf which they may not have otherwise been able to do.

Thanks to the incredible amount raised, ToyBox has been able to sponsor the entire 23/24 Summer Season of all events being held in Perth and Sydney!

Funded thanks to fundraising achieved at RQCC 2022.

a photo of a child with a disability sitting on the front of a surfboard smiling with a surfer directing them through the waves.
Troy Barbagallo